
Orthophotos are geometrically corrected aerial photographs that are often used as a visual background for maps and in mapping applications. New aerial photographs are taken at least once every two years to have a record of the changes that happen on the ground. The new orthophotos will have roads and buildings on them that did not exist yet when the last aerial photographs were taken.

You can download orthophotos below by clicking on a tile in the map or by clicking on the link to download the entire mosaiced ortho for the City of Kelowna in .ecw format (~4-5 GB). By downloading orthophotos you agree to follow the terms of the Open Government License.

Orthophoto Dates
2021End of April
2020May 23th and 24th
2019May 6th and 7th
2017May 21st
2015June 6th
0215May 13th


Ortho Download