Highlights of January 23 Council meeting

January 24, 2023

​​​​​​​Housing affordability

Council heard an overview of the state of housing affordability in Kelowna followed by a review of the City’s current policy directions, as well as recent and planned actions. Over the next several years, numerous projects will look to improve affordability, including a Housing Needs Assessment, an updated Housing Strategy (2023-2027), rental incentives review, secondary suites expansion and an ongoing public lands inventory assessment.

Grant Summary

Council heard a summary of grants received in 2022 — the City was awarded 24 grants with a total value of $27 million. Grants, including those from other levels of government and research institutions, are key alternative forms of revenue to support and enhance the City’s capital and operating priorities.

Changes to Council meetings

Several changes to the Council Procedure Bylaw were considered by Council. The changes include releasing Council agendas for Monday meetings on Wednesdays rather than Thursdays, starting Tuesday meetings at 4pm rather than 6pm, and ending public hearings at 8pm unless otherwise voted on by Council. The bylaw received first, second and third reading.