Cameron Avenue, Rhondda Crescent, and Morrison Avenue Sidewalk

Home > Our community > Planning & projects > Current capital projects > Cameron Avenue, Rhondda Crescent, and Morrison Avenue Sidewalk

Project Background
This sidewalk project is part of an ongoing series of City investments to make walking a more comfortable, safer and viable way to travel through Kelowna. Making more of our trips by walking supports long-term goals around protecting our environment, reducing greenhouse gases, and improving community health. Walking also reduces traffic congestion and supports growth in our densifying core areas. The project and its goals are guided by policies within the Official Community Plan (OCP), Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP), and others.

This project will link a series of existing sidewalk segments to create a continuous walking route between Gordon Dr. to Ethel St. This connection then links to sidewalks on each end, connecting to Pandosy Urban Centre, KGH, Guisachan Village, the Ethel Active Transportation Corridor, and transit service on Gordon Dr and Pandosy St. The current gap in the sidewalk network was originally identified as a priority project in the 2016 PBMP. This connection will serve both people walking within and through this neighbourhood, filling in a gap today and serving future growth.

Project Update
Remaining construction and landscaping restoration are underway. Timing of the sidewalk section fronting Guisachan Park is tentatively expected to begin construction in August. 

The design update addresses additional information and input received over the summer. Key highlights include:

  1. Due to unresolvable conflicts with underground utilities, street trees are no longer proposed in the boulevard between the sidewalk and roadway.
  2. Trees are still an option behind the sidewalk, where adjacent homeowners are supportive. Staff will reach out to individual owners where applicable.
  3. The boulevard width between the sidewalk and curb has been reduced. Sod is not recommended when the width is less than 1.2m; therefore, it is now hardscaped. This will minimize maintenance while maintaining aesthetics and the benefits of a boulevard.

The sidewalk project will be located on public right-of-way. Bylaw 10425 provides additional information on the roles and responsibilities of the City and property owners regarding the boulevard space between property lines and the street edge.

Project Design (for informational purposes only):
Design Drawings

Policy and Planning Links:

Other Information Links:

Further Information and Questions:

Will on-street parking increase due to the sidewalk project?
With the updated design, on-street parking is expected to remain similar to today. Residents will maintain the ability to park vehicles in their garages and on their driveways. The updated design increases the usable driveway length to approximately 7.2m (24ft) or more in most cases and exceeds the minimum 6m required in the bylaw.

On-street parking is common throughout the core area of the city and can provide a traffic calming benefit. It is recommended strategy within the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Traffic Calming Manual to manage traffic speeds on neighbourhood streets and has been shown to provide an overall safety benefit.

Is a sidewalk required?
Every person has their own level of comfort and abilities. While some pedestrians are comfortable walking on the street, others are not, regardless of the traffic conditions. A sidewalk helps create an equitable, accessible space for people of all ages and abilities (TMP Policy 1.2). This is particularly important for pedestrians with diverse abilities and those who depend on consistent access to transit, key destinations, and facilities throughout the year, especially in winter. Furthermore, goals within the OCP, TMP, and PBMP aim to achieve more active transportation trips. Providing a safe and more comfortable environment is key to promoting this travel mode shift.

Why does the design include a boulevard between the sidewalk and curb?
The benefits of a sidewalk boulevard are well understood and are a key design element to achieving a safe and comfortable space for pedestrians. Boulevards are included in current industry design standards and best practices for core city areas. Examples of their benefits from TAC include:

  • Area for snow storage
  • Physical separation from parked vehicles and traffic increases pedestrian safety and comfort
  • Reduced vehicle/pedestrian collisions by placing the sidewalk some distance from the curb
  • Space for utilities, signs, trees, etc.
  • Increased sightlines between drivers and pedestrians crossing the street
  • Pedestrians are less likely to be splashed by passing vehicles in wet weather
  • The conflict is minimized between pedestrians and solid waste or recycling containers temporarily stored at curbside for scheduled pick up

Are speed humps an option instead of a sidewalk?
The City has a separate traffic calming program to review streets for traffic calming measures. Criteria are based on speeds, volumes, road classification and other metrics. As listed above, the purpose of the sidewalk project is to improve the pedestrian network, connect to key destinations, and achieve the goals and priorities in TMP, OCP, and PBMP.

Will new sidewalks be placed across existing concrete driveways?
Driveway sections that are in disrepair or present a hazard within the planned sidewalk area will be replaced with new concrete. If existing concrete driveways are in good condition, there is no benefit to replacing the sidewalk area with new concrete. The sidewalk space will be delineated with a saw cut, so it will be clear where pedestrians are expected to walk.

Is sidewalk planned on other streets in the area? How are projects selected?
Sidewalk projects are primarily selected based on the PBMP. The ranking and criteria are described in Chapter 4. Although still a benefit, most local streets are not listed for sidewalks in the PBMP, due to the many higher priority locations within the city. However, in the future and as redevelopment occurs and city reprioritization occurs, sidewalks can potentially be added on local streets but will take time to build out.

The City Sidewalk Program webpage can be viewed for more information and a map of PBMP planned sidewalk: Sidewalks | City of Kelowna

Is the sidewalk connection on Cameron Ave between Charolais Rd and Gordon Dr still planned?
Currently, the design team is focused on completing the sidewalk segments shown in the design drawings. The piece fronting Guisachan Heritage Park is still planned and in the detailed design phase. Once complete, a continuous sidewalk between Gordon Dr and Ethel St will be achieved.