Houghton Road Active Transportation Corridor Phase 3

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The Houghton Road Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) forms part of the City of Kelowna’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (2016) and is intended to provide the traveling public of all ages and abilities with a high quality walking and cycling facility. Forming part of the City’s primary ATC network, the Houghton Road ATC runs east-west with an eastern terminus located at the intersection of Mugford Road and Rutland Road, and a western connection to the Okanagan Rail Trail, connecting the Rutland neighborhood to the rail trail and beyond.
The first phase of the Houghton Road ATC from Hollywood Road to Nickel Road was previously constructed and established the corridor’s cross section precedent as a 4.0 m wide multi-use pathway. Phase 2 of the corridor which runs from Nickel Road to the Okanagan Rail Trail network on the west side of Mill Creek was constructed in 2022. The final phase of the Houghton ATC, Phase 3, includes the section from Hollywood Rd to Rutland Road and is expected to start construction in the Spring of 2023. Phases 2 and 3 have been designed to generally follow the phase 1 cross section’s 4.0 m wide MUP, providing for a consistent and uniform ATC corridor for all users.
The design of the new phase includes:

  • A new multi-use pathway on the south side of Houghton Road complete with urbanization and landscaping
  • A signalized crossing pedestrians and cyclists on Rutland Road. 
  • Utility Improvements
  • Sidewalk and urbanization for certain blocks on the north side of McIntosh Road.