The climate is changing, so should we

April 4, 2023

News Release

Kelowna’s climate is changing. The City is developing a Climate Resilient Kelowna Strategy to guide how the community can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while also ensuring Kelowna is prepared for climate change impacts. Residents are encouraged to provide their input on how the City can support climate action by filling out the survey at and/or attending the open houses.   While the City of Kelowna has a Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP), it expires in 2023 and only addresses the reduction of GHG emissions. The City wants to hear the opportunities and challenges facing the community and how the City can support and encourage action, as it will take everyone, including all levels of government, businesses and organizations, and the general public to become a community resilient to climate change.  “The new strategy will apply what we know about climate change, capture our community’s readiness to  reduce emissions and seek opportunities to adapt,” said Tracy Guidi, Sustainability Coordinator. “Local governments are uniquely positioned to influence climate change by shaping how a community grows, commutes, and interacts and protects its natural assets; however, shifting the needle on climate change takes everyone and it will take our community to make real change, so residents should get involved.”   Predicted climate change is already happening in Kelowna and overall, the city will become much warmer and wetter (in all seasons except summer) over the coming decades with more extreme heat days, intense and prolonged rainfall and warmer winters. These changes impact Kelowna’s citizens, ecosystems, agriculture, infrastructure, and economy.  The City has completed two technical studies to help inform the strategy, one examining the impacts climate change could have on our community and the other on types of actions that could be taken to reduce our community’s GHG emissions. These studies, together with the community’s input will help to develop a strategy providing effective recommendations, identify action items, and better equip the City to help its citizens long-term.   Learn more and help create a climate-friendly future by participating at by April 30 and by attending the open house at Parkinson Recreation Centre on April 18 from 3-6pm.