Share your priorities for the Mill Creek Linear Park Plan

March 2, 2023

News Release

Early planning and design of the Mill Creek Linear Park – from Parkinson Recreation Centre to Okanagan Lake – and Burne Avenue Neighbourhood Park – between Richter and Ethel Streets – is underway. 

Residents are invited to take part in the many online and in-person input opportunities available, including an upcoming information session (March 16) and a series of “walkshops” (April 19-20), where they can speak with City staff and share priorities for the project area.

“The flooding of Mill Creek in 2017 and 2018 resulted in record-breaking stream overflows that impacted residents, parks, trails, and roads. Kelowna residents faced extensive property damage in nearby subdivisions, interrupted access to public services and businesses, and impacted the Kelowna International Airport,” said Keith Pinkoski, Planner Specialist. 

Between March and April, staff will be consulting with the community to share information about some of the improvements taking place along the Mill Creek corridor and to seek input on park amenity preferences before finalizing plans.

“The City has secured funding to develop an overall strategy to improve Mill Creek as a linear park and enhance sensitive ecosystem habitat along the corridor, while adapting to flooding where we can,” said Pinkoski. 

The Mill Creek Flood Protection Project is a multi-year, multi-million dollar initiative to improve the creek corridor and reduce flooding potential from the Kelowna Airport to Okanagan Lake. Funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, the project will improve creek capacity by rehabilitating creek riverbanks, improve riparian and fish passage, reduce debris accumulation, and add temporary off-stream storage opportunities. Planning and construction began in 2020.

In addition to public and stakeholder engagement, the two park projects will be guided by technical analysis, hydrology, and several long-term planning documents – including the Mill Creek Master Plan (2000) and Linear Parks Master Plan (2009). Early-phase park construction is expected to begin by 2024.

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