Current capital projects

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We're working to create vibrant urban centres, a balanced transportation network and an inclusive community. Infrastructure projects improve and maintain outdoor spaces, buildings, active transportation networks, utilities, roads and bridges. 

The Union Rd & West of Millard Pl crosswalk improvement project is being delivered through the annual Crosswalk Program.

Est. cost: $20,000
Est. start: Spring/Summer 2023
Est. end: Fall 2023
Water Street Boat Launch RenewalBuildings or Facilites

The existing docks at the Water Street Boat Launch have reached the end of their lifecycle and are planned to be replaced this year.

Est. cost: $500,000
Est. start: Fall 2023
WWTF Admin Boiler ReplacementBuildings or Facilites

Replace WWTF admin building boiler. Possible energy efficiency upgrades.

Est. cost: $150k
Est. start: Q1 2023
Est. end: Q4 2023

Replace the lead bioreactor blower at the WWTF including associated mechanical and electrical works.

Est. cost: $600k
Est. start: Q1 2023
Est. end: Q2 2024